Fog Bandit 240 DB Extended Nozzle (Complete Kit)

Designed for cabinet/covert installations

The FOG BANDIT 240 DB Extended Nozzle is a versatile, compact, reliable and efficient unit which offers exceptional fog generating capabilities.  This version is used where concealment of the FOG BANDIT is required, the unit may be within a cabinet, within shop counters or hidden within a wall void for example.  One unit can fill room sizes up to 500 cubic metres with dense, visually impairing fog.  For larger volumes, 2 or more FOG BANDIT’s may be used in unison.

The Complete Kit comes with a Fog Bandit 240DB Extended Nozzle unit, an HY3 fog cartridge, a control box –  A fixing mount is not required for this model

Please note that the Unit Only is available for purchase separately




  • Produces 28 cubic metres of fog per second with visibility range (density) reduced to just 30cm
  • Programable for room sizes ranging from 50m³ to 500m³, for larger areas multiple units can be used to activate in unison.
  • 24/7 self-diagnostics instantly reports stats changes to the alarm panel
  • Error LED provides quick and easy identification of the failure for rapid resolution.
  • Used where concealment of the FOG BANDIT is required.

Ideal for situations where ‘aesthetics’ require the Bandit to be hidden from view e.g. inside a cupboard or under a counter.

Part No: 24001001/L

Dimensions: 270mm(w) x 365mm(h) x 255mm(d)

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Fog Bandit Feedback

The Fog Bandit worked perfectly with the alarm and the intruders retreated before gaining entry! ...